Fuel Cell Vehicle with Actual Style

The idea of a Fuel Cell Vehicle, which means the vehicle is powered by hydrogen, is not a new one. These vehicles have been on the market in different forms for several years and have brought us a different power system which burns clean and free of harmful emissions. Mostly we have seen these vehicles reach the shores of California where the idea has been tested for a while now and refueling stations are built to allow you to replenish your compressed hydrogen supply after it runs out. So far we haven’t seen any evidence these vehicles can become mainstream across the entire US market, but there is a new one that might lead that charge.

Toyota has developed the Mirai which is a midsized four-door sedan that runs on compressed hydrogen and has range of 300 miles on a tank of fuel. This car comes with 153 horsepower and the ability to reach sixty mph in a sluggish nine seconds, but this isn’t a car that is built for speed; at least not yet.

The Mirai will offer a quiet ride that is expected to be even more silent than a Lexus hybrid powertrain and can be used as an emergency generator with the plug in port in the rear in case your power is out and you need to keep your home appliances running. This generator will actually last up to a week so if you think you need a generator and you want to buy a new car maybe you should combine the shopping trip into one activity and buy the new Mirai.

This is a car that took its function seriously, but also offers polarizing and enticing style. Using the air flow needed and the lines created on the front and across the hood to the rear the Mirai is a car that will give you the aerodynamics you want to enjoy. This car stands out in a crowd with its look and feel that is more like a four door sports coupe than a car that is a test platform for a new propulsion system.

Inside the car you see the function as well with the widescreen information screen that allows you to find the instrumentation you want to enjoy. The seating is comfortable and the controls for the instruments are found on the steering wheel to make it easy for you to toggle through and see what you want to on the screen. What seems familiar in the Mirai is the fact the interior strongly resembles that of a Prius, which makes perfect sense since both cars are made to offer fuel efficiency and use advanced power systems to get the job done.

One of the most important aspects of the Mirai is the 24/7 support from Toyota. The company wants to know what you think of driving and using the compressed hydrogen as your fuel. The feedback you provide will give them the information needed to continually develop this technology and as a trade-off you have the support you need.

Toyota is aggressively marketing this car in California and the Northeast to be the answer needed to the massive emissions that are put into the atmosphere, especially in highly populated areas. Will you drive the Mirai and give this new fuel system a try? There are many incentives offered by Toyota and by the federal government that are designed to make this car one that is well worth the driving effort. If you live near a hydrogen refueling station, you could find this to be a great choice in driving for you.

03.04.16 - 2016 Toyota Mirai

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